My written work explores the nature of listening to and making sense of sound. Taking advantage of the triangulation of composition, theory and critical reflection, I seek to apply a practice informed critique to develop new frameworks to aid future analysis and creative practice in sound.
- Art of Sound: Conversations in Film Sound and Electroacoustic MusicBringing together a diverse group of world leading professionals across Post-Production Film Sound and Electroacoustic Music, Art of Sound explores the creative principles that underpin how sonic practitioners act to compose, tell stories, make us feel, and communicate via sound.… Read more: Art of Sound: Conversations in Film Sound and Electroacoustic Music
- Audiovisual Spaces: Spatiality, Experience and Potentiality in Audiovisual CompositionIN: (ed.) A Knight-Hill (2020) Sound & Image: Aesthetics and Practices. Routledge. Edited Volume – Published June 2020. ISBN 9780367271466 Abstract Echoing the spatial turns across the humanities, this chapter applies post-Bergsonian conceptions of space via Deleuze… Read more: Audiovisual Spaces: Spatiality, Experience and Potentiality in Audiovisual Composition
- Sound & Image: Aesthetics and PracticesEdited Volume – Published June 2020. ISBN 9780367271466 Bringing together a diverse array of international experts and practitioners, this book reflects the ideas, and approaches surrounding contemporary audiovisual practice. Engaging with both traditional and new media formats,… Read more: Sound & Image: Aesthetics and Practices
- Electroacoustic Music: An Art of SoundIN: Foundations in Sound Design for Linear Media, Routledge 2020. Chapter Review: “Knight-Hill continues on with “Electroacoustic Music” in what should have been allocated its own section. While the chapter covers the well-trodden ground of Stockhausen, Schaeffer, Oram,… Read more: Electroacoustic Music: An Art of Sound
- The Nature Of Sound And RecordingIN: Foundations in Sound Design for Linear Media, Routledge 2020. Chapter Review: “Stand out chapters include Knight-Hill’s comprehensive overview of “The Nature of Sound and Recording.” There are many books and chapters covering such fundamental theory but… Read more: The Nature Of Sound And Recording
- Sonic Diegesis: Reality and the Expressive Potential of Sound in Narrative FilmIN: Quarterly Review of Film and Video , Volume 36, 2019 – Issue 8 Abstract Perspectives and approaches from electroacoustic music are applied to support a phenomenological understanding of the role of sound in film, whereby all sounds are… Read more: Sonic Diegesis: Reality and the Expressive Potential of Sound in Narrative Film
- Stories of a ruined space: filmic and sonic approaches to practice-as-researchIN: Media Practice and Education Volume 19, 2018 – Issue 3: Filmmaking in the Academy ABSTRACT This article reflects on the authors’ work in investigating how audiovisual practices might represent the experience of disused or ruined structures. With… Read more: Stories of a ruined space: filmic and sonic approaches to practice-as-research
- (I)MAGE SOUND(S) – EXPANDED AUDIOVISUAL PRACTICEIN: eContact 19 2 Light + Sound (I)MAGE SOUND(S) is a collaborative audiovisual project led by artist Jim Hobbs and composer Andrew Hill. It seeks to bring together the practices of experimental film and electroacoustic music to… Read more: (I)MAGE SOUND(S) – EXPANDED AUDIOVISUAL PRACTICE
- Listening for Context: Interpretation, abstraction and the realIN: Organised Sound 22(1). pp. 11-19 [April 2017] DOI: Abstract This paper seeks to explore the proposed notion of ‘context-based composition’ by examining the nature of ‘real-world’ context. It does this by studying the way in which listeners… Read more: Listening for Context: Interpretation, abstraction and the real
- Theatres of Sounds: the role of context in the presentation of electroacoustic music.IN SONIC 2015 Abstract Why do we work to create multichannel concerts? Given that we do, might we further consider the holistic experience of coming to a concert and how that impacts upon the audience’s engagement with the… Read more: Theatres of Sounds: the role of context in the presentation of electroacoustic music.
- The EARS 2 pedagogical project – an eLearning environment to introduce learners to sound-based musicIn: King, Andrew and Himonides, Evangelos, (eds.) Proceedings of the Sempre MET2014: Researching Music, Education, Technology: Critical Insights. International Music Education Research Centre (iMerc), pp. 129-134. ABSTRACT Discussions have been on-going in the UK regarding how to… Read more: The EARS 2 pedagogical project – an eLearning environment to introduce learners to sound-based music
- Interpreting Electroacoustic Audio-visual MusicThesis (PhD), De Montfort University. Abstract The basis of this research project stems from reflections upon the process of composition for electroacoustic audio-visual music. These are fixed media works in which sound and image materials are accessed,… Read more: Interpreting Electroacoustic Audio-visual Music
- Understanding Interpretation, Informing Composition: audience involvement in aesthetic resultIN: Organised Sound, 18(1). pp. 43-59 [April 2013]DOI: Abstract This paper documents elements of a research project undertaken between 2008 and 2012. Building upon the Intention/Reception project of Leigh Landy (2006) and Rob Weale (2005), the project sought… Read more: Understanding Interpretation, Informing Composition: audience involvement in aesthetic result